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Pale foliage after 2 weeks

Hi guys, I am new to both the forum and hydroponics.

2 weeks ago today, I set up a store-bought hydroponics system. Now, I feel growth has become sluggish, and some of the scarce foliage looks a little pale to me.

Any ideas what may be the cause?

On day one, I fertilized the 4 litres (1 gallon) of water with NPK and Epsom Salt. I have not fertilized since.

NPK: 3.7 - 3.3 - 5.1
Epsom: 16%MgO/32%SO3

Thanks in advance, much love from Berlin :D


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What kind of lighting system are you using? How is it set up relative to the hydro set up?

Greener Thumb
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As apple said, what about your lighting?

Is this Kratky? Are you supplying air to the roots?

For my hydro fertz I was using the following.

I don't Hydro anymore but used this mix when growing indoor lettuces and to feed my seedlings.

Per Gallon
  • 2g MasterBlend, 4-18-38
  • 1g Epsom Salt,
  • 2g Calcium Nitrate 15.5-0-0
Always mix the Calcium Nitrate last to prevent a nutrient lockout from occurring.

Check PH, may need to adjust, PH is OK around 6.0

This is what I was using for my fruiting plants like tomatoes.

Per 5 Gallon
  • 12g MasterBlend, 4-18-38
  • 6g Epsom Salt,
  • 12g Calcium Nitrate 15.5-0-0

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Thanks for your responses, guys!

My setup has a 24W LED growthlamp situated 25cm (10in) above the plant baskets. It is on 14h per day by default.

I assume the roots are aired automatically, as there is space for air in the tank and it can circulate through a hole.

How essential is Calcium Nitrate? I am not adding it currently.

Will get a PH testing strip asap to check that as well.


Greener Thumb
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I'm probably the wrong guy to ask about fertilizers. Look at your roots first.

As far as lighting goes, shop lights or 6500k leds would work, thereare a million options for lighting and your 24 watts sound a little on the weak side.

All I know is what has worked for me
And roots need air, if you are doing a kratky method (google info) roots will get air as solution is depleted.

In an NFT roots get air also
This was a 4" root mass on a marigold plant in an NFT

NFT and Kratky allow plenty of air to the roots.

Something like a Deep Water Culture that has a constant water height needs constant air supplied from something like an airstone.


This is what I was using for all of my hydroponics

Nute Mix per 5 gallons for tomatoes (20-18-38)
12 grams Calcium Nitrate Fertilizer 15.5-0-0
12 grams Hydroponic Tomato Fertilizer 4-18-38
6 grams epsom salts Magnesium Sulphate

(N) Nitrogen (P) Phosphorus (K) potassium

The problem could be lighting, nutrients, temperature and/or lack of air, hopefully a seasoned hydroponics guy will step in and help out