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Streambed - How to make gravel stick between rocks

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 10:13 am
by Onewithnature
Hello! I have been building a waterfall/stream/pond, and I wondered what everyone would suggest for making the gravel stick between my rocks. I am going to laquer my boulders lining the stream and thought maybe a good helping of laquer in the streambed might help it all stick together. Laying glue before rocks and gravel will not work for me. Any ideas?

Re: Streambed

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 10:31 am
by Lindsaylew82
An epoxy putty made for marine aquariums would work. You just mix the two sticks together, shove it in the cracks, and then push the gravel pieces into that. You have to work kind of quickly. A more liquid epoxy may also work, but I don't know if it's safeness to aquatic life.

A clear aquarium grade silicone gel would work as well, and you'd likely get very good coverage with it.

Re: Streambed

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:04 pm
by Onewithnature
Thank you lindsay but sounds like all those would have to be used before placing gravel. Ive already placed most of it which is my problem. Would be very hard to remove and place again

Re: Streambed

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:25 pm
by Lindsaylew82
Yeah. You would have to do that.

Re: Streambed

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 2:01 pm
by applestar
Would it help to put some builders sand in between and tamp or vibrate the ground somehow -- isn't that what you do with dry set / no mortar pavers? I guess whether that will stay will depend on how fast your water will be flowing when you fill it -- or is this going to be dry?

Re: Streambed - How to make gravel stick between rocks

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 4:59 pm
by rainbowgardener
otherwise at this point you need some kind of spray on fixative. I know there are various spray adhesives, but they are more made for crafts projects, don't know how they would work for this application. Search for super strength spray adhesive.

I found this one ... 1_1&sr=8-1

says among other things "Bonds gaskets in water pumps, and attaches insulation to sheet metal."

Re: Streambed - How to make gravel stick between rocks

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 5:18 pm
by applestar
If you actually want to glue them in, then there are pond specific -like fish-safe- products -- it's a foaming adhesive kind of like gap filler insulation --polyurethane- and I believe these are black to blend in --two brands I've heard about are Great Stuff and Aquascape. DIY version comes with a long nozzle, but pro version canister is fitted to an application gizmo and supposed to deliver much more evenly and I think uses a longer nozzle.

I keep thinking I wouldn't be able to use something like that because they probably come out smelling really chemically, but I've made note of it in case a I HAVE to use something like that when building my waterfall....

Re: Streambed - How to make gravel stick between rocks

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 10:16 am
by Onewithnature
Thank you everyone. I'm going to have to research further on spray adhesives that wont yellow and is good for underwater. I'm not having any fish or plants in the water so at least thats not a factor. I live in a small town and its 45 mins to the closest decent "home" store. I should have time friday to go shopping so hopefully I can figure something out then. I am going to be using the waterfall foam sealant for the waterfalls to ensure water will flow over not under. ☺

Re: Streambed - How to make gravel stick between rocks

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 10:35 am
by imafan26
In nature everything settles by itself. The lighter pieces will flow down stream with the heavier pieces on top. I would not worry about it and let the gravel settle where it may. Using larger stones up on top of the gravel might settle it from the turbulence.