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Should I have a water garden?

should I have a water garden :)

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Only if you want one. :)

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I was noticing all the birds taking turns bathing in my rice paddies today.

Aside from pure kindness to provide water for the wildlife in your area when it's hot, it's a means of protecting your garden too.

When birds decide the area is good territory for nesting and raise a family, they'll be feeding their chicks strictly insectivorous diet, providing natural pest control for your garden.

The wild birds and animals will be less tempted to slake their thirst by pecking, biting, or stealing your tomatoes and berries if they have ready source of water.

In short, YES, I think a good garden should always include some form of water garden -- be it a simple bird bath or an elaborate koi pond with multi-tiered waterfalls.

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I've always wanted a pond with some lilypads and other stuff like little fish and like a backyard ecosystem but I wouldn't be able to dig a big enough hole in my backyard or be able to get the water in so for me it would be an ugly waste of time hole in my backyard I don't have the money the room and don't have much time left after school every day and even though spring break starts at the end of today's schools day I but if you have the time room and resources go for it.

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