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bonzai losing leaves

Hi- I am new to the forum, have read through it but still have a couple of questions. I have had my tea tree bonzai for 11 years. It has always been healthy, simply watered it , kept it in a sunny place, it enjoyed the outdoors in the summer in southern NJ. I moved to Pittsburgh area about 18months ago. I have it in a window that gets morning sun, but pitt gets less sun than NJ. I had it out doors this summer for only 10 days, too hot. It then developed the sticky leaves, which I cleaned off with detergent, as per your site suggestions. That was about a month ago. I also think I was letting the dish sit in water, thinking that would be good for it, but after reading advice from your site, I know am now keeping it out of the water. There is new growth. But some of the leaves have turned yellow, and dropped, which I am thinking may be from the water. The roots are sturdy. I am wondering if it would benefit from a grow light, and if so what kind is best? And how long before I will know if it is helping? As I said, I have never really done anything with it or had a problem until now. Hoping it is still my healthy little bonzai that I love, and will make a comeback. Thanks.

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Is it camellia sinensis var sinensis? I have a small container plant - not really a bonsai but keeping it in an azalea-type pot and starting to try to shape/train/prune it a bit. I’m more interested in harvesting some leaves for tea for fun. I bring it inside every winter because it’s not quite winter hardy. Sometimes mine will drop leaves after blooming in late fall to early winter, and wants to stay dormant for the winter, not leafing out until spring.

I think if yours had some issues and has dropped leaves, it’s probably best to let it rest for the winter. Start watering less and put in a cool bright area. Mine is happy is 50’s to mid-60’s with fluorescent light, and dry to keep the humidity at minimum 30’s to 40’s% I inspect for scale insects but generally have no other problems.

...but you might be talking about typical Bonsai tea tree like Fukien tea?

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