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Help!! In need of desperate help!

Hello all, I need help with this Bonsai tree. I do not know the species, nor do I know why it dropped 4 leaves after getting watered this morning. Please help!

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I'm not a bonsai expert, but it looks like it might be a ficus.

If it was only 4 leaves that dropped this morning, then it was already in quite bad shape.

Ficus is noted for dropping leaves when moved or stressed, but in a healthy tree, dropping a few leaves should leave it plenty.

Yours may or may not make it. You need to figure out what went wrong. To start with, the layer of rocks on top, makes air and water circulation difficult and makes it harder for you to know when it is the right time to water. They should be removed.

Tell us more about how you have been treating it - amount of sun, how, how often, how much you water, any fertilizers, etc.

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After researching on the internet, I have come to the conclusion that it is a ficus as well...Okay, heres the difficult part lol....I have no idea how this plant has been being belongs to my boss and when I watered it this morning, she brought it to me because the leaves fell off....I know Ive seen her put ice cubes on the rocks to "water" it previously. I gave it just a normal dose of water today and moved it into my office in front of a window. She had it sitting on a table in her office no where near the window. Fertilizer....probably none. Ive only been here since Feb, and it hasnt improved much, so I figured I'd ask for help before I kill it.

Thanks so much,

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Its a ginseng rooted ficus.

This evergreen tropical tree responds very well to full sun and liberal watering. Inasmuch as it looks to have never gotten any of the things it needs to live, you need to water only after soil drys out. (see chopstick method).

If you scratch the bark back to cambium and there is no green left in inner bark, there is probably no life left in this tough tree.


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New sprouts are coming up!

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