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Recovery time question. Chinese Fringe

First of all thank you to everyone who has been posting information in this forum I have been finding it very helpful.

My Chinese fringe indoor bonsai is struggling for life. After reading through this forum I am pretty sure I know what the problem is. This bonsai was a gift from a friend and it is definitely in commercial soil, and fell victim to over-watering. I placed a wooden skewer in the soil to better gauge when it needs water. I also have a humidifier in its room of residence so that the air isn't so dry and parching.

My question pertains to recovery time. How long will it take for new growth to kick in? I am assuming now that summer is coming it will be the time that growth happens ? Also if I am encouraging it to recover should I fertilize more frequently then once a month? Thank you for any advice or information. I am still new to this =)



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Super Green Thumb
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No, in general when plants are struggling/ recovering you do not want to fertilize them, especially not extra fertilizer. The fertilizer forces growth that it may not really have the resources to do right now.

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Thank you for the advice =)

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