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Ginseng Ficus Bonsai - Yellow Fungus


This is my first time owning and caring for a bonsai. I purchased a ginseng ficus bonsai from Ikea about a year ago and as soon as we brought it home it lost most of its leaves. I thought the leaves might grow back in the spring but unfortunately that has not been the case, and now a yellow fungus (like mini mushrooms) has started growing from the soil. Does anyone have any idea what this may be or how to treat it? Any pointers on how to help this little guy grow more leaves? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!


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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

That fungus is common. It usually means the soil it staying wet too long and your soil looks spent and it is time to repot. Bonsai are not planted in dirt but a mix that is coarse with different sizes of sand, gravel, and particles with very little peat moss. Drainage is essential. Most bonsai pots only have small drain holes and the roots take up most of the space. Bonsai trees prefer to be outside during the warmer months where they would actually need to be watered almost daily.

Ficus will get used to low light conditions, but looks better in brighter light. You will need to be more careful with watering as the pot still has small drainage holes, but the plants may take a lot longer to dry out.

Where I am cinder is easy to get and I can crush and sift it to get the size I need. For larger bonsai like yours I can even use the cinders as is and put only fine gravel on top for aesthetics. The cheap clay cat litter, not the clumping kind (johhny cat) can be washed of the fine particles and you can use that for part of your mix.

https://www.helpfulgardener.com/forum/vi ... =36&t=3422

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