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Worried about my tree - dry leaves

Hey Everyone,

I really need some help! I'm really worried about my tree (which I think is Sageretia)


The leaves are very thin, dry and crumbly. The tree has been this way since Christmas, when I received it as a gift.
At first I thought this is how the leaves should be, but after reading about the species I realise they should be thick, bright and glossy.

The soil is moist and it has a humidity tray. The air in England is always humid. The temperature varies between 16'C and 22'C at a guess.
The internet store it was purchased from said it looks like it has been kept too hot, but I know there's no chance of that.

I've been in denial, but know I know there must be a serious problem.

I don't know what to do!! :cry:

Any ideas?!


Cool Member
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A Sageretia is an outdoor tree. I never heard from somebody who was able to keep it alive indoors.
There's a lot of good stuff here on this forum. Use the 'search the forum' for Sageretia and learn as much as you can.

Do not feel bad when your tree is gone; which is likely. Sageretia is not an easy tree to keep. Search this forum for trees who are easy to keep; like Ficus; and go from there.

There are a lot of people who lost there first tree; myself included - I kept my juniper indoors; that's what they told me to do so; and it died- .

Good luck!!

Green Thumb
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I've been keeping my bird plum indoors for 2 seasons and it seems to do fine. Yours isn't dead looking. The soil definately looks too compact. Look into changing the soil come Spring. For now just keep an eye on it regularly and make sure it takes in water consistently but don't over water it. Also give it as much sun light as possible indoors imho.

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