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New To Bonsai, Slightly Worried, Suggestions Appreciated...

Hi, I recently decided to try my hand at bonsai so I went to a fairly reputable seller and purchased an 8 year old Australian Brush Cherry...Eugenia Myrtifolia (though I understand this might be somewhat outdated nomenclature). The guy who sold it to me said it was good for beginners because I could keep it indoors year-round and it's fairly easy to take care of as far as bonsai goes. I purchased it about a month ago and up until the last week it has looked great...
All of a sudden in the last few days I've noticed some leaves dying and falling off. Even some leaves that looked quite healthy are falling off at the slightest touch. Most of them seem to be coming from one particular area, one specific shoot or branch, whatever the proper terminology is. I've done enough research to know that too much poking and prodding is more harmful so I've been reluctant to do much about it except for taking off a few of the more obviously dead leaves.
I'm beginning to get concerned though and am wondering if there's anything I'm missing or not doing correctly.

It gets some indirect sunlight in an open room, but is by a window and it's possible the temperature is fluctuating just a little too much. I water it based on the chopstick method, which means me giving it a decent amount of water about once every other day. I've fertilized it once in the month I've had it. I've only barely trimmed it in fear that I really don't know what I'm doing when it comes to trimming bonsai and I don't have the proper tools...

Any thoughts?

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Once every other day seems like a LOT of watering. Are you sure you're judging moisture correctly? Mine, in semi-organic soil needs watering about once per week. Inorganic, about once every 4 or 5 days.

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Oh's not always every other day, sometimes every three days or so, but it sounds like either way, I'm probably overwatering. If this is the case, is it likely root rot? Is that always fatal for the tree, or is there still hope?

Thanks for the help, much appreciated!

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