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ponytail palm bonsai yellow spot?

I got my ponytail palm bonsai like a week ago and it looks gets a few hours of sunlight a day..but on 2 or 3 leaves it has 2 yellow spots in the middle of the leaves..what does this mean?

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also it is in the basement so it is cool if that means anything

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How is it gettig sunlight in the basement? Pics of the damage?

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k trying to figure out how to get pictures on here





there are some other leaves that look like they are starting to get it on the ends

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the third pic is where I have it sitting when the suns not out..usually I sit it farther back from the window to get more sun since the window is so high and then I have a flourescent light I leave on also

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If you could get it up higher and closer to the window, that would be better. But, honestly, the plants surprisingly doesn't look too bad. It will likely grow very slowly, though. How long have you had it?

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for like 2 weeks and I re potted it into the pot its in because my other didn't have drainage but my pot is big now and I have heard to only have a half inch on each side and a much shallower pot then I have because they grow better if you have a more cramped pot? the pot that it came in was shallow and smaller...this is making me want to re pot again but I heard I should wait a while since I just dit it.what do you think?
...and normally ill just move it back farther while I'm at work to get sun during the day I don't really know if it gets enough though which is why I was leaving the light on it too

do you have an opinion on the spots? nothing to worry about?

the other room that I have has great outside lighting and the fixture for t5 bulbs.. and I know all my plants will do great in that room but I bought them to put in my room...ill try those higher watt fluorescent bulbs I was talking about in my other thread and if those don't do well ill look at a more convenient plant light system or fixture

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Location: Airmont, NY Zone 6/7

The only time I've seen PT Palms die halfway up the leaf is when they're not getting enough light. I wouldn't repot again, wait until spring at least. They can live fairly pot bound and thrive, but growth will slow.

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