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Corn worms

I have worms, pale green approx. 1" in length in my corn leaves. They cut a section, and roll it over to form a nest of sorts. Does anyone recognize this critter? I am hand picking. I do not see a recommendation in the BT literature and would appreciate information on biological or non toxic control.'


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Caterpillars of North America (David Wagner) lists two green caterpillars that feed on corn: cabbage looper and celery looper. If you don't see two sets of "legs" when you look at one up close and they don't loop as they move, inchworm style, then you may have corn earworms, which look green sometimes when they're eating leaf instead of kernels.

The appropriate cure for any of these is Bt (Dipel, etc) if hand picking won't do it. To keep pests from being able to build up resistance, some IPM experts now recommend alternating Bt with spinosad (another earth-safe biological) when dealing with a persistent caterpillar problem.

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