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How to use Trafilatura?

I bought some 'Trafilatura Classica' - not sure why. I think I saw a recipe using vermicelli pasta and thought these would be it. Can't find the recipe now and I don't know what to do with them. They are wheat noodles, extremely thin - 1/16" - and only about an inch long. I did find one guide on using vermicelli, mixing them with boiled rice, but they just went to mush and I didn't see the point. Any suggestions? I'm thinking of maybe boiling them very, VERY briefly then stir frying.

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I don’t know what they are but sounds like they would be good in chicken or other clear broth soup? Sounds short enough to scoop with soup spoon.

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I was thinking that too, like chicken noodle soup or you could use the pasta in a salad in place of other kinds of macaroni. I found one recipe online for a short thin pasta. It was basically a garlic pasta with parmesan and garnished with parsley. Pasta with pesto. Since the pasta goes mushy quickly it probably needs a shorter cooking time and a drier sauce like pasta putanesca.

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