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Brussel sprout plants cut off

Hi everyone! Hope this is the correct place for this…

First a little backstory. So, there’s been a little accident involving my Brussel sprouts… My father deciding to be helpful, but having no clue, cut off all my Brussel sprout plants, stalk and all! Sadly no roots on said stalks as they were cut :( The stalk has tiny weenie little sprouts on it (0.5 cm in diameter), nowhere near harvesting age. Now, maybe they would never have ripened as the care was sub adequate (I was at uni), but seeing as the stalk was cut, they never will. :cry: Or will they? (I have about 5 big sprouts and 2 stalks with maybe 20 or so babies on it.)

My question is: if I place the the cut off stalk in water, will it grow roots? I have done this with tomato plants with great success, but it’s my first time planting sprouts… I’ve placed one back in the soil and the other in water as I have nothing to lose, but will it work?
Sorry for the length, the TL;DR is, will cut off Brussel sprout plants (stalks) grow roots when placed in water.

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