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when can I apply more epsom salt?

I planted my garden last Saturday and when I prepared the holes I put a tablespoon of epsom salt in the hole along with a little organic fertilizer. I am wondering when I can apply more epsom salt and what method to use to apply it(spray method or sprinkle on soil around plant? I did just have to use some organic neem based spray for leaf spots so I have to wait on that I'm sure. Thanks

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Location: Brownville, Ne

Magnesium sulphate is the chemical make-up of Epsom Salts. Does your soil and soil tests show you have a deficiency of either in your soil? Putting stuff in soil just because it sounds good is not a good idea. That being said, many folks like to put Epsom Salts in the planting hole and use a diluted solution as a spray-on at flowering time and then late in the season when plants begin to yellow.

Most garden soils are not deficient in either sulphur or magnesium and healthy plants have no problem pulling what is already there for use in growing and reproducing. A balanced soil is the best remedy and the entire garden should be treated according to a reputable soil test to achieve this balance. If you have the need to add something, wait for the flowering stage to spray on extra magnesium sulphate.

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