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Purple streaks on my peppers

Hello, this is my second year growing peppers. For some reason my plants are nice and green; however, I have purple streaks on the actual peppers. They are red at maturity, so I am not sure if this is just how peppers are or if it can be a nutrient problem that is only affecting the fruit and not the leaves. Thank you so much :D

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the same things happen to my sweet banana peppers every year. it seems the more ripe they get the more purple. I don't see any issues as they get sweeter with them.

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I'd love to see pictures--it sounds cool looking! I can't grow peppers here, it just doesn't get hot enough. Woe. I have to live vicariously through all you pepper people.

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Well, from what I've read anyway, people say don't bother trying to grow peppers or melons here because it doesn't get hot enough for them to ripen. None of the folks around here grow them. I tried bell peppers twice, and both times failed. Such a bummer too--I love homegrown bell peppers! I might give them one more go next year and see what comes of it. Part of the problem, I think, other than the temperature issue, is that we get so much rain here (Western Washington). Both times I tried peppers, they died of too much water.

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Thank you for the replies, it sounds like nothing to worry about, Yay. No pictures, I haven't learned how to load them yet. Thank you, Lorri

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You could grow peppers indoors under lights. If you have enough light and you can maintain a comfortable indoor temp around 70 degrees you could get peppers. It is true that gypsy and the other cool tolerant peppers are better for you.

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imafan26 wrote:You could grow peppers indoors under lights. If you have enough light and you can maintain a comfortable indoor temp around 70 degrees you could get peppers. It is true that gypsy and the other cool tolerant peppers are better for you.
Also be sure to use a cactus potting mix if you grow peppers in pots. The cactus potting mix made a difference for us.

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