Greener Thumb
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How to make a seed 'tater?

Any tricks to getting a tater to develop its eyes and sprout quickly?

Super Green Thumb
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Try a search for "Chitting", no really. Thats the name for forsing potato.

Greener Thumb
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thanks...I'll look that chit up...

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Super Green Thumb
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Potatoes in our soopermarkets right now have very likely been treated with sprout inhibitors. That may have been done when they were in storage but a sprout inhibitor may also have been sprayed on the plants while they were still growing in the field in 2012.

The food industry does not want that potato to sprout.

Potatoes grown for seed will usually sprout easily once they are moved to room temperature and especially if they have sunlight.


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Super Green Thumb
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Plant them! They don't need to be pre-sprouted.

As noted, perhaps super market potatoes have been treated so they don't sprout.
Best to get some to plant that have not been treated. Though if super market potatoes have got sprouts coming of course they will grow.

I don't like to plant super market potatoes for disease reasons. I prefer to get some certified seed from a nursery if I am buying seed potatoes. Most years I plant potatoes from last season that I have kept in a pit over winter. Since it is vegetative reproduction the genetics remain the same from year to year.

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