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Is this peach not ripe or what?

I bought a white peach at the store. It was not good. I ate it as soon as I got home 10 minutes later. It was like an apple that is not ripe. Hard and no flavor. If that is the way they are I don't want another one.

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sure sounds not ripe to me.

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Super Green Thumb
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I have never seen a peach of any variety at a grocery store that I could just eat as soon as I brought it home. Grocery store peaches always need to ripen for awhile first. (Not talking farmer's market here, which might be different. But the grocery stores need the peaches to still be pretty hard for shipping and handling.)

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rainbowgardener wrote:I have never seen a peach of any variety at a grocery store that I could just eat as soon as I brought it home. Grocery store peaches always need to ripen for awhile first. (Not talking farmer's market here, which might be different. But the grocery stores need the peaches to still be pretty hard for shipping and handling.)

So peaches get riper at home like bananas do?

I never buy fruit in the grocery store, I walk right past all the fruit. I like grocery store fruit in a Can it always tastes much better than fresh fruit.

Growing up my Grandparents had apple trees, peach trees, cherry trees, grapes, blackberries, strawberries, persimmon trees, melons, it was all good. I have always figured you had to grow your own for it to be good.

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