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Hot Sauce Recipe Needed

Does anyone have a good hot sauce recipe they are willing to share? I have a ton of super hots, ghost peppers, trinidad, 7 pot, ect and want to make hot sauce with some of them.. I have searched the internet and found some but am looking for some from folks that have actually made it and like it..

Thank you in advance for your help..

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Mexican Picante Sauce

6 cups chopped onions
4 ½ cups cider vinegar
6 cups chopped bell pepper
1/4 cup sugar
9 quarts tomatoes, peel and chop
½ cup pickling salt
2 (12oz) bottles Nacho sliced Jalapeno peppers, with liquid or 2 cups fresh, chopped, with seeds
wear rubber gloves
4 teaspoons cumin powder
4 teaspoons oregano, crushed
1 teaspoon dried red pepper, crushed

Peel and chop tomatoes, put into a stainless steel pot if available, you can start these to simmer as soon
as you put them into the pot, it helps speed up the process.
Chop the onions, jalapeno, and bell peppers, add to the tomatoes. Add the vinegar, sugar and salt at this
time. Allow to cook until some of the liquid evaporates, or as long as you wish to get the consistency
you like.

Add the herbs, no longer than 30 minutes before you bottle this.
Pour into pint jars, 1/4 inch head space, adjust caps, process in boiling water bath 25 minutes after water
comes back to a boil.

* You need to stir this frequently while cooking to keep from sticking and scorching. We simmer half
a batch for one and one half hours, longer for a full batch.

The processing time is given for an altitude of 5000 ft. Sea level 20 minutes. Add a minute for each 1000 ft.

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What kind of hot sauce do you want? There are 100s, salsa, taco sauce, enchilada sauce, red, green, etc for Mexican.

Do you want just HOT or do you want FLAVOR too?

Do you want Mexican, Chinese, India, etc. again there are 100s.

Each type of hot sauce uses certain types of hot peppers. Most hot sauces are not just 1 pepper it is a combination of 2 or more peppers and spices.

Enchilada sauce for example is 50/50 peppers and water. 50% peppers that are NOT spicy hot and 50% that are spicy. The NO spicy peppers are for flavor only and the 50% MILD or MEDIUM hot peopers make it spicy.

Mexican salsa is long red chilis, tomatos, onion, garlic, salt, pepper, vinegar or lime juice.

Mexican Quesadilla sauce, 10 peppers that are NOT hot, 1 extremely hot pepper, cumin, garlic, water.

Be sure to always remove seeds and vanes it keeps the sauce from being bitter.

If you want flavor Louisiana hot sauce is several times better than Tabasco but not as hot.

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Thank you Jal, I'll give that one a try..

I'm looking for somthing like a jar hot souce to put on anything really to add heat but I also like flavor. Something like Cholula or el caliente brands but hotter..

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Thank you Jal, I'll give that one a try..

I'm looking for somthing like a jar hot souce to put on anything really to add heat but I also like flavor. Something like Cholula or el caliente brands but hotter..

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I think it's best to use the tomato juice that comes from making a pot of sauce in the summer time when you cook the tomatoes down. I save mine and then just add blended chopped hot peppers, onioins, and garlic, salt, and vinegar. Cook it like that for a while, then strain and can. I'm sorry I don't have a recipe per se. But that's how I make it.

One other thing you can do is just throw the peppers in a glass quart jar and fill the jar with vinegar. Then add a little of that vinegar to whatever you want kinda like hot sauce. I keep a jar of tat in my fridge, the one I have right now is about 2 years old! And still hot! Just add vinegar as you use it. The vinegar pulls the hot flavor out of the peppers.

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I just mix peppers, vinager, and salt. Cook till peppers are soft then in the blender for a spin.

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