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TPS True Potato Seeds

I tried the search engine. potato, potato, potato. Have we talked about True potato seed? Seed from the potato fruit. Soil, !potatoes! or a family member of Jal_ut :?: I remember maybe just touching the subject.

Anyway, I'm growing 9 different potato seeds from Tom Wagner.

F3 Skagit Magic
Maris Piper
Skagit Plenty
Juanita ( Dela Montana )
Fiesta Gold
473276 Purple
Blue Rose ( He threw this one, Bonus )

The seeds are very tiny. Like little sesame seeds.

I've done a little research, but I'm looking for some hands on information.

What say you
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For starters: (TZ gave us the whole shebang)

JAL's thread:

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Thanks Apple,

Go ahead and delete this post.


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No way! :shock: I -- and I'm sure many others -- are expecting a full pictorial report for the rest of the season. :> I wish I started some of my TPS too this spring. :?

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Like Apple already pointed out, TZ throughly covered this topic. I'll just post pictures as the season progresses.

Here is 6 of 9 flats.


They look a little like tomatoes, but the cotyledons are more rounded.
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Way to go DDF, looking forward to seeing this thread unravel. Pun intended.

I have not done this YET but it is good to see you doing this.

P.S. Love your setup. :wink:

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looking forward to all the diversity in the tubers to come. excellent work eric.

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Thanks Dono,

If I average 30 plants out of each 50 cell tray, that will be 270 plants. :shock: If I understand it correctly, each seed from the same fruit could have 16 variations.

Not sure which way to go. Should I grow them to maturity in the greenhouse and plant the mini-tubers or Transplant the seedling out into the garden. Either way I will probably end up with smaller tubers to plant the following season. Cull (eat) the undesirables and plant (clone) the more interesting ones.


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Thanks Soil, I didn't see you sneak in.

Maybe I should start thinking up variety names. :lol:


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Wow, Eric, you're going full blast! Looking good!
This will be a thread to watch. 8)

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April 21, 2012.

So it's been over a month. Here are a few more pictures.

Flats of TPS to planted out. Hopefully I will finish planting tomorrow.
and some Chaposa I up-potted to 4"

Planted out in the fenced garden, a double 20ft row of Skagit Magic

Out side the fence garden. A 50ft row of Fiesta Gold and a 40ft row of Maris Piper.

Fiesta Gold [img][/img]

Maris Piper [img][/img]

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awesome. haven't had the space to dive into this stuff, but just like any breeding (or at least selecting), you should definitely be on the road, not just to interesting varieties, but ones that are selected for your situation and tastes. t. wagner's got some interesting material for sure. there's a lot of potato genes we probably hardly even run into in this country (until now)...though it's possible some of the more ancestral-type varieties are more daylength sensitive...

when you need someone to come out and help with the taste-tests, lemme know, eh? :wink:

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Thanks !potatoes!,

I really don't know what I'm doing. I'm planting all the varieties in close vicinity, so I'm assuming they will all cross pollinate. I can plant out this years mini tubers, but if I collect seed from the fruit on top, it's a guessing game.

Brought in two pickup truck loads of horse manure. Hope to have two more by the end of the day. I sure miss the dump trailer.


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Here are a few more pictures. Hope I can uncover more tags to help identify the rows. :(
After fixing the pictures, I remembered, I tilled in the Maris Piper and Fiesta Gold. I now have squash and Paint Mountain corn there. :roll:

Plants look really healthy but not many flowers. Some flowers just starting on the far end.

Juanita ( Dela Montana),
Not vary happy plants. Most of the plants just disappeared. Good thing I'm also growing sweet corn in theses beds.

Skagit Magic,
This is the most interesting bed. Many different colors of flowers. Looking forward to seeing what comes from the ground. :)


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The bottom pics look better then my wifes flower garden!

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Yes, I'm always struck by what a pretty plant potatoes are. They could be grown as ornamentals....

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rainbowgardener wrote:Yes, I'm always struck by what a pretty plant potatoes are. They could be grown as ornamentals....
Rainbow and Jeremy,

Thank you. Sounds like a marketing ploy. Beautiful flowers with benefits. :) Flowers with bennies! I should sell this to my brother the landscape farmer. :wink:

This group of photos shows the variation of leaf shape, stem color and flower. I've notice light colored stems with dark flowers and dark colored stems with light colored flowers. Some have narrow pointy leaves, rounded pointed leaves and others round rounded leaves. Texture, some fairly smooth, others more textured and some more fuzzy. Time to take better pictures and make laminate tags to hang on the plants. Hope they all produce top fruit. I'd like to breed a dark flower and dark stem combination. A tasty potato would be good too. 8)

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Very nice!

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I've also noticed on some of the plants, if the roots reach the surface they put on foliage. Typical main stem grow straight up. These seem to grow horizontal until the breach the side of the berm. Maybe all potatoes do this, but it is the first time I've noticed.


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July 7th 2012. More pictures.

Skagit Magic, Still has many flowers and fruit is starting to form.

At first, I thought that the colored flowers are more eager to produce fruit, but the white are right there.

The hills are full of roots, but I'm not seeing many tubers. I just need to wait for the plants to die down. :(

Many more flowers on the Chaposa

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I can haz potato berries?


I can't remember which variety this is, but I've got berries!

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Yep! I'm saving mine too. I left them on the vines until the foliage were dying and the fruits turned ripe and mushy. I think my nemesis the groundHOG took a bite out of one.

If I can, I'll try the "SOLO cup" method to grow one or more tiny seed potato by starting them in early December (for late March/early April planting) as well as starting the seeds along with tomatoes.

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Cool experiment, and I'm shocked by how pretty the potato flowers are... I never really thought of them that way.

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August 5, 2012

I pulled the end plant from the Chaposa row today. The plant was still green, had flowers, but no fruit. I'll wait on the rest of the row to die down.
I was surprised to find different color tubers from what I believe to be the same plant.

I also found this to be interesting. The small transplant was a single stem plant. Now multiple stems

So tell me what would be the best way to do a taste test. Bake? I'm think it should be a way so it doesn't mask the flavor.
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If you get some potato fruit and don't want to plant the seed yourself, don't throw it away. Real potato seed brings a good price on the internet.

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jal_ut wrote:Fun!

If you get some potato fruit and don't want to plant the seed yourself, don't throw it away. Real potato seed brings a good price on the internet.
Talk about fun. I harvested three plants this evening. The first plant's tubers are mostly tan with a little red around the eyes. No pictures of them. Plant numbers two and three are the most interesting so far.
The box on the right was #2, has red skin with a single red streak inside. I cut another one open after pictures and it had a few red dots.

#3 Has a slightly darker skin. On the inside a ring around the edge and center coloring. I cut three of these open and all three had the ring, but different pattern centers.

I kept the top fruit from both of theses plants.


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How small of a tuber can I plant. Have you ever planted one the size of a pea?


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Something's wrong with your garden............ no weeds! :lol:

Nice looking taters. Oh, any size tuber will grow.

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jal_ut wrote:Something's wrong with your garden............ no weeds! :lol:

Nice looking taters. Oh, any size tuber will grow.
I have plenty of weeds, believe me.


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As long as it has an eye. I had a teeny potato sprout from its single eye and the lumpy sprout (you know how they look) was almost as big as the potato. :lol:

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I harvested the remaining TPS today. The voles are terrible this year. They have tunneled all through the beans and potatoes. Here are photos of all the different shapes and colors. Some of these I showed off earlier.

Now I need to store them until March 2013. Some of them are sprouting already. Have any suggestions on storage?


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Oooh this is fun! Good idea to put the fruits in the same pile as the tubers. Kinda funny that the yellow tubers are actually smaller than the fruits.

One idea is to GROW the sprouting ones -- either well mulched in the ground outside (how cold did you say it gets in winter?) or in containers in your greenhouse -- and harvest spring seed potatoes from THEM.

For growing outside guidelines, we have to find my thread on fall planted potatoes with link to an article by a Pennsylvania master gardener who plants his around November, pile with mulch to protect the beginning shoots and tubers, and have them resume growth in spring which he said allowed him to harvest new potatoes with his garden peas.

But storing some of them will give you an idea of how well each variety/strain will keep.

...waiting for taste test results now... 8)

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Those from-seed potatoes are AMAZING!!

The color variety alone is amazing, as is the size differences!

I wonder how they taste?

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Get them somewhere cold but not too cold this will retard growth.

I like the dark ones with light spots on the eyes

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Hey Soil, Good to hear from you.

I have them in a little 2 or 3cuft refrigerator at the lowest setting. What's your thoughts?

One group has a few that look like fingerling potatoes. If I plant these out will I get more fingerling shape or more traditional oblong?


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From what I know is what you got now you will get later, just bigger.

I like to store mine in earth like jal, but in half wine barrels under the house. As long as that soil doesn't heat up they don't doo much. Just be warned warm and wet = mush. Cold and wet your ok.

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I tried potatoes from seed for several years and the same thing happened. The only potatoes from seed that anyone I know has really had any luck with is a variety called catalina, but even there I lost about half of the plants when I transplanted them out and don't really know why, but I bet you had a grand time with the experiment.

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I have them in a little 2 or 3cuft refrigerator at the lowest setting. What's your thoughts?
Be careful you don't let them freeze. That will ruin them. Can you put them in sawdust or sand to help them to not dehydrate and still store in the fridg? My choice would be sand, just slightly damp. They will keep fine that way at 40 degrees until March.

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jal_ut wrote:Fun!

If you get some potato fruit and don't want to plant the seed yourself, don't throw it away. Real potato seed brings a good price on the internet.
James, I took your advice and put some TPS on the internet. Will see what happens.


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