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Greener Thumb
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Should I pick off some of the peppers?

My giant pepper plant is blooming again- about 12 open blooms at last count, and I've been keeping a close eye out on them. As of this morning, it looks like 8 of those 12 flowers are growing small peppers, but seeing as it's inside and lacking as much sunlight as it normally gets, I don't know if it's unhealthy for me to let it it make all those peppers and extra branches (getting very bushy), or if I should be trimming it back a little bit?

Sorry for all the questions; I'm estatic we (the plant and I) managed to make it through the winter, but it's looking a little bit droopy and, while the leaves are still regularily coloured green, I'm getting a bit worried. I water it reguarily (ever other watering or so) with fish fertilizer in the water. Due to the smell it gives off, I haven't really sprayed any of the fish emulsion on the leaves. I so have some plant-tone outside, and not sure if I should sprinkle a little of that onto the soil, also, as I don't want to overfeed it? There's got to be a happy balance in here somewhere!

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Greener Thumb
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if you would like it to continue to grow instead of flower, pick off the peppers.

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Greener Thumb
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soil wrote:if you would like it to continue to grow instead of flower, pick off the peppers.
I'm actually not all that concerned about it growing bigger/bushier (it's already taller than me), am just more worried about it's health in general. is it OK to let it put out that many peppers at one time, especially when it's inside for the winter season?

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