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Sweet Potato Adventures................

I totally forgot about some sweet potatoes that I had planted in an old tire this past spring. I went out this morning, flipped over the tire and...............

Sweet Potatoes!!! :D

I got to digging them out and found a wad of hay under the root system. I pulled it out and found............

Baby mouses!!!

Momma mouse came out and was really mad

I gathered up the babies and momma (after catching her in a Mason Jar)
and placed them in the back field.

I couldn't believe I got this many potatoes out of one little spot!!

This Sweet Potato was so big, Chi Weenie was scared of it. He kept barking at it. :D

Are these huge Sweet Potatoes alright to eat or are they too big to be any good? First time I ever grew any.

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omg the photo with the dog is so funny.

great harvest, be sure to cure them before eating for the best taste and storage.

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Richard L.
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Whoa... lucky you & you forgot about them, I'm sure their good to eat but some say if they get to large they get "woody".. I'd still give them a try. Nice going! ... do the same next year and "forget" about them. Maybe that is what I'll do this Spring.

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Yep, my wife complains about me forgetting silly things all the time (forgetting to stop by the store, take out the trash, her birthday, etc.)
I told her one of these days my forgetfulness would pay off! :)

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Boomslang wrote:Yep, my wife complains about me forgetting silly things all the time (forgetting to stop by the store, take out the trash, her birthday, etc.)
I told her one of these days my forgetfulness would pay off! :)
Are you going to pay me back soon? I loaned you a $1000. last Spring. I sure could use it back. :P :lol:


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Um, gee Eric. Would you accept some chickens as down payment?
Last edited by Boomslang on Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Now there is a really nice man-catching Mom Mouse and keeping the family together. I'm impressed.
The world needs more people like you !

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Tender hearted, I guess. :)

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Lucky Mrs. Boomslang !

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Uh, except for the forgetting her birthday part...

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My best potato crops have always been in old tires. I have no idea why. Thats an amazing crop you even grew 5 mice.

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I see, others have had huge sweet potatoes this year! It must have been that weather conditions were perfect for growing them.

We did not grow any this year, but I got some from my mother-in-law, and she had some ginormous sweet potatoes!

She said they never had such big ones before, the largest potato so far weighed 7.5 lbs!

BTW - what are your favorite ways to cook them? Last night we had some for supper. We sliced them thinly, sprinkled olive oil and salt on them, and baked them. M-m-m

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