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1st frost. Pumpkin ??s

My First time growing pumpkins:
All of the pumpkins didn't get ripe.
1. will they ripen?
2. should I leave them in the garden hooked to the vine for a while yet?
3. best way to store them?


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bogydave wrote:My First time growing pumpkins:
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You said you had a frost, if it was a very light one and none are forcast for a few days I would only pick the orange ones off. I store them in a very large paper box with 7-8 sheets of newsprint on the bottom or on newsprint on the floor in the laundry room (downstairs basement). Some would store in root cellar, so would cook them up and freeze them for later use, if you are going to eat them. As for leaving them on the vine with it out of the ground I have never tried that so, I can't tell you maybe someone else has tried it. Note, a friend places them on straw in a box. Make sure they don't touch each other in anycase.

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Thanks CB
We do want to try making pies & a few jars of pie filling The small ones are the type that is good for pies, by the seed pack anyway. I'll get them inside tomorrow.
Thanks for the tip to not have them touch.

Big one to be a Jack-o-lantern for the granddaughter, :)

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You did good, Dave!

I've had jack o'lantern pumpkins that failed to turn orange before frost. (cool nights thru the growing season) Some of those ripened indoors, others rotted before Halloween :( . Yours looks like it should be fine.

It was important for me to find an early-maturing variety. I've grown RockStar for about 5 years and they do what they need to do . . . for setting outside the door with a candle in them on the last day of October!!

About the best performing "pumpkin pie" pumpkin for my garden isn't a pumpkin at all. It is Burgess Buttercup squash. They have always given me delicious filling for Thanksgiving & Christmas pies!


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I grew a pumpkin this year and even though the squash bugs killed it while it was still on the plant. It still turned orange after what looked like the plant was dead, so there may be a chance that some of yours will turn as well.

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Thanks all
We had a hard frost last night. Clear & 30°. It was noon before all the frost left the shaded areas. Northern lights were out last night too.
I brought them (pumpkins) all inside the garage. Most all of them have some orange on them, maybe I'll get some pumpkin pies yet :)

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