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Just how bad/good are Earwigs?

Found these creatures thru out my garden this morning. So far I can't get a clear explanation about whether they are harmful to the garden or not. A few holes in the leafs of my plants to worry me so much as I believe there is enough to go around...........however, I don't want them to take over the place :P

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Posts: 468
Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:06 pm
Location: Ohio

A few earwigs are not much of a problem. It sounds like you have alot of them. They usually eat decaying vegetation, but they can eat good plants, too. They even eat animal flesh. I guess it depends on what they're in the mood for. I wouldn't worry unless they do start attacking good stuff. They've never been a problem for me, but I've never had an abundance of them.

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