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Squash fruit drop/abortion continued

The old topic topic sunk to the second page. ( )

Anyways I said I'd post with new photos:

That is what happened to all the ones in the old photo:

Eventually some new ones grew. They are much larger than the old fruit that dropped off before:

I made sure that pollination happened with the two larger flowers, plus I had a little help:

I hope that I will finally get some squash, even if I am not fully sure what happened to the previous batch. The weather hadn't really changed much between batches.

hit or miss
Green Thumb
Posts: 354
Joined: Sun May 30, 2010 4:57 pm
Location: central Kansas

For some reason my zukes aren't doing too well this year either. Normally by this time we're covered up in them by now. I'm not too worried about it though, we're getting as much as I want to eat.

I'm chalking it up to weather or planting them in a new place.

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