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? about collecting lettuce seeds

I grew lettuce this spring. I let a few of my plants bolt and are starting to flower now. Is it possible to collect seeds for a fall planting? I've never collected seeds from a plant before so any help/advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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Green Thumb
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Joined: Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:20 am
Location: Rural Ottawa, ON

I did this last year & grew those lettuces this year :). I just waited until the seeds were very dry but not quite out of their pods (they will fly away) then clipped the entire branch and brought them in to finish drying. Then I shook/plucked them onto a paper plate & put them in an enveloped for the winter! :)

This year I'm going to try a fall sewing and see if I can make that work, so I may let my bolted lettuce half self-seed/half harvest.

Just be prepared for every visitor to ask you what the heck is growing in your garden & not believe you when you tell them it's lettuce...

Bolted Lettuce

Dried stem w seeds


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