Green Thumb
Posts: 480
Joined: Fri May 15, 2009 10:52 pm
Location: Crystal, MN (Zone 4)

No More Pepper Blooms, Yellowing Leaves, Black Stuff On Pepp

So after I planted my peppers, they had plenty of blooms, some of these blooms even grew to peppers. Now all that's left is the few peppers that started and all the buds died and fell off. The leaves are all turning yellow and the peppers themselves are getting black stuff on them. I do compost tea every 1-2 weeks and gave them some organic phosphorous a few times too. We had about 2 weeks with barely any sun and lots of rain, 6 inches altogether in June with a normal of 4. Could too much rain be causing this problem? Do my peppers have a chance of coming back and getting more blooms?

Super Green Thumb
Posts: 6113
Joined: Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:43 pm

Sounds like a fungal disease. Maybe Southern Blight.

Green Thumb
Posts: 480
Joined: Fri May 15, 2009 10:52 pm
Location: Crystal, MN (Zone 4)

Wonderful. I won't be around for the next 2 weeks to mulch it and give it the milk/water mixture regularly either. I suppose my peppers are done for. :cry:

Super Green Thumb
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Joined: Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:40 pm
Location: ohio

Decado wrote:Wonderful. I won't be around for the next 2 weeks to mulch it and give it the milk/water mixture regularly either. I suppose my peppers are done for. :cry:
Well, perhaps you could make the mixture and ask a neighbor or relative to spray them for you.

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