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Need General Preservation Directory

Hi, my name is Monica. My husband and I are very into gardening and maintain a sizable vegetable garden every season. We grow everything from A to Z and usually have very good luck. However, aside from eating squash until we are sick, and sharing beans and tomatoes with all of our family and neighbors, a lot of our produce goes to waste because we do not know much about canning, freezing, etc.

Does anybody know of a web site, book, magazine, general directory of any kind, that would cover everything from canning tomatoes to freezing zuchinni, and everything in between?

Thanks in advance for any responses.

Super Green Thumb
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I don't know of any particular book or website (off the top of my head) but, there are a plethora out there on canning, freezing and so on. I would start by just googling the topics. Try your local library.

My stepmother is the queen of canning and she cans everything. There is even a recipe that I am hoping to get from my stepgrandmother for pickled crab apples.

If I ever recieve this recipe, you'll be the first person I share it with. :wink:

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Thanks. Pickled crab apples sound like they are right up my husband's alley. He will spend much time pickling green tomatoes, green beans, jalepanos, etc. this season. He has taught himself the art of pickling already, but I don't partake.

I have googled my topics and certainly found information here and there on each individual topic. One site will tell you how to do this, and another will tell you how to do that. I wish I had a ready-reference of sorts that would just tell me everything.

Also, what about preservation of potatoes and onions? I have heard to just leave them in the ground until the end of the season, and then put them in the basement...? I am kind of wondering if there is more to that story.

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