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Green Thumb
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pepper plant problem eating leaves

Okay I'm having a problem on all 4 of my pepper plants. They all have signs of something eating the leaves. At first it appeared there was just holes in them and I looked and couldn't find any bugs then last night I go to look and some of the leaves are partly gone. At first I thought it was the flea beetle but I didn't think they would eat the whole leaf. One is in a pot away from the others.

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Greener Thumb
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peppers are among the plants getting slug damage where I am. sections of leaf, stems partway up, the growing tip with a couple tiny leaves, etc.

Green Thumb
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Have you done any treatments?
I am having similar issues.
I thought is was the bean leaf beetle that seems to be attacking the beans are now onto the peppers.
Let me know what you do for them if you can figure it out.

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SHHHH don't tell anyone but I couldn't fine what was eating at my plants and they already killed one. So I did end up sprinkling a little sevin on them. It looks like it stopped them.

*NOTE I do not recommend using chemicals. They usually do more harm then good. I was in desperate mode and was risking loosing all 4 of my pepper plants and didn't know what else to do. These plants are still small and hand no blooms and are no where near fruiting. And the amount was very very small.

As a side note I have two cabbage plants that I noticed starting to have holes in their leaves. I was able to find a good number of the little green worm eating at them and smashed them :evil: very satisfied feeling and much better then chemicals.

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Nothing like smashing varmints to relieve one's frustration... :twisted:

Cynthia H.
Sunset Zone 17, USDA Zone 9

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