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Store bought Jalapeno Plant Question

Hi there,

I am late to the game and just now getting my garden in the ground. I bought plants as I didn't start early enough. My question is I bought a good size Jalapeno Plant and it is already growing peppers. I have read to clip of the first growths, so do I do that now, or is it to late? Is there a standard for all plants like this?

I applogize if this is a stupid question, I am a total newbie. I did plant some stuff last year but everything was a bust. :shock: Just hoping to do better this time around.

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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

I plant my peppers without trimming off any flowers or fruit. I also don't disturb the roots except for scoring them so they usually don't get much transplant shock. However, it does not work out that way all of the time. I is usually better to pick off the flowers and fruit so the plant's energy will be directed toward growing not making seeds. It also helps to either choose an overcast cooler day to do the transplanting or provide some shade for a few days after transplanting.

I prefer not to transplant older plants. I find that seedlings are much more tolerant of transplanting than older plants.

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