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Young Mulberry tree, dying leaves.... (Brown/Yellow spots)

Hi, I'm from Cape Town, South Africa

Earlier this summer me and my GF planted 2 Mulberry trees (Morus nigra)

and they have both almost doubled in height in less than a month (probably only 1m high now)

I worked a lot of compost into the ground around them that I mixed 50/50 with the sand so I believe they have lots of nutrition in the ground and their root system was very strong from what we could see when we planted them.

I noticed some of the leaves are turning brown/yellow I'm not sure if this is a fungus or something.

Plant Nr1 (let's call him Link) :>

Plant Nr2 (and let's call him Rhett) :>

Rhett's is quite skinny and long and has been growing fast. the leaves look very healthy and the growth points are a nice lime green color, the only issue is those brown / yellow spots on the leaves and the lower down leaves dying from it.

Link is much shorter and has been growing a bit slower and is a lot more bushy, Link also has the same brown / yellow spots killing the leaves. Link's leaves also seem a bit strange to me, it seems like the edges are folding over (like forming a upside down bowl) and aren't as flat as I know Mulberry leaves to be

What could be causing this ? what can I do to help Rhett and Link ?

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Since they look otherwise healthy, I'm wondering if the damage could have been caused by strong wind lashing those particular leaves against something? Is that likely?

Another possibility I thought of is dog or cat urine splatter, but that might cause more extensive burn than this.... :|

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It could be wind as Cape Town is known for very strong winds. but half way up I have the plants supported. I doubt it's our dogs urine someof the burnt leaves are to high up but It could be a possibility as I have seen the dogs pee there

At this point I think it might be a fungal infection as it's the only thing that makes scene to me, some of the 1st plants leaves are curling around a bit on the edges and look "swollen"

I'll go pick up some anti Fungi spray or something at a nursery and see if it helps.

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