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What is this on my "umbrella plant?"

I have had this umbrella plant inside my house since November. I noticed it started looking rather unhealthy and saw there were small bugs on it. The bugs were not moving and could be easily brushed off. It needed some trimming anyway so I took it outside and pruned it a bit and sprayed it with a soap and water mix and washed all of the bugs off. I have not seen those bugs since, but noticed that it still isn't sprouting new growth since trimming.

I examined closely and found these things on it. I am not sure if they are part of the plant but they can be scraped off very easily from the plant and do not seem to be part of the plant.

What are they?

(this is one that I scraped off)

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Yep bugs -- scale insects. They are expert at camouflage because they do look like part of the plant structure.

They are protected by the waxy substance on their backs and is often difficult to control with sprays. For minor infestation, using cotton swabs dipped in rubbing alcohol will help to remove the stubborn ones without scratching the plant. In particular, look for the "mothership" -- what I call the really big ones that are producing babies and spreading the infestation.

Juveniles ARE susceptible to insecticidal soap solution. But if you have the plant outside, beneficial predarorial insects can help to control them so keep that in mind and weigh the pros and cons if you decide to spray.

Observe closely and see if ants are shepherding them like they do with aphids. If you don't get rid of the ants, they will move them around and bring more to pasture on your plant.

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DITTO Applestar -scale.
Wiping them off with a Q-tip or soft rag dipped in soapy water will work with a minor infestation. Make sure to wipe the entire plant - top of the leaves, bottom of the leaves and all stems, branches and trunk. Pay close attention to the leaf joints.

If you have a major infestation an insecticidal oil may be needed. Again the entire plant needs to be treated.

A last resort is a systemic insecticide. That is a last ditch effort when all else fails.

This publication has good information on scale and eradication. ... nsects.htm

Good luck

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