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Succulent with Growing Brown Spot

My succulent has a brown spot, which has been there since I’ve had it, but it keeps growing.

I’ve thought about cutting the affected leaf off, but I’m not sure exactly how to because of the type of plant (I’ve attached an image of the succulent, and of the brown spot).

What’s caused this spot? Why does it keep expanding? Can I make it stop? How (if necessary) could I cut this part off, in order to prevent it from infecting the entire plant?

Also, if anyone knows the name of this plant, that would be helpful to know also.

Any help would be appreciated!
Sorry about the poor quality; hope this is helpful!
Sorry about the poor quality; hope this is helpful!

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It looks like it was damaged and the plant was probably watered or got wet while the wound was still open and got infected. It is becoming necrotic and the dead area is expanding . Use a clean knife or scissors and cut the leaf off where the tissue is healthy. Make sure you don't get it wet until the cut calousses of and is dry. You can dust the edge with a fungicide. It may not help but it usually does not hurt. The main thing is to water everything well before you cut it because you will have to wait until the wound is dry and calloused off before you water again which will take a week or more. Larger wounds take longer to heal. It won't be pretty but it should stop the rot.


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Joined: Fri Sep 21, 2018 10:18 pm

Okay, thank you! I will try that.

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