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Cactus: Cereus Peruvianus or another type?

hi, could anyone help me identify the cactus I got yesterday thinking it could be San Pedro. I realized soon after it has narrow ribs and darker and longer thorns than Pedro. There are no ribs at the bottom section at all, that's why I thought it could be another type. It is two years old and almost 30 inches from the bottom of the pot. It cost about 10 dollars and wasn't sure whether to keep it or.. Thanks.
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Super Green Thumb
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Location: TN. 50 years of gardening experience.

Not sure what you have but it is not San Pedro cactus I had about 50 San Pedro growing in Arizona. San Pedro is not a true cactus, it has 6 sides when small, and 7 & 8 sides when larger. I use to sell cuttings $1 per inch, 10" long cuttings, 8 cuttings per Medium Flat rate postage box. It took me about 14 months to learn to grow San Pedro, they are very water sensitive, will not grow in pots, like very stable soil moisture, 75 degree weather, full sun will kill them, they grow good on north side of a house where they get indirect sunlight all day, they grow fast 1" per month if all conditions are right.

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