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Echeveria Shaviana infected with pests-help!

Something quickly infested my Echeveria Shaviana and I can't figure out what it is. I'm thinking mealy bugs.
Any recommendations in how to try to cure it? I am hoping that I can still save it :(

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Aphids. Use some insecticidal soap. I've been very happy with the Safer brand. Make sure you get the spray under the leaves and into every spot that could hide bugs. You'll need to reapply in a few days just in case there are eggs or nymphs that survived the first spray.

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Even simply holding it sideways and brushing them off with a larger flat watercolor or acrylic artist paint brush is an option. I do that a lot with sturdier plants like this one, especially ones that are sensitive to overwatering/moisture. I say sideways because they will crawl back up from the soil/potting medium. Get them off of the plant, soil, and container.

You can spray them to your hearts content with soapy water to kill them once they are off the plant.

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