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Any idea why the leaves to my plant are curling? Also why some of the leaves are dying/drying up at the ends?!

Posts: 14015
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

The edges of your leaves are necrotic
Things that could cause that are too much water or if the plant has been in the pot awhile, it may be a sign of salt damage.
Some insects can suck plant juices and cause leaves to curl. Have you seen any mealy bugs or aphids?
Sometimes my plants curl because of light issues, if the light is coming from primarily one direction and you have turned the pot to face a different direction (once or twice), it can cause the leaves to twist to reorient toward the light.

My first guess is too much water - It would explain the necrosis, color and curling if the vascular system is damaged.
Second guess - Mealy bugs and white flies are common insects that infest weak and stressed houseplants.

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