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Succulent Pups and Propagation Question

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:14 pm
by Bluesnow
I'm new here and hoping to be active.
I have two questions about my succulent plants,
The first is about my dudleya ( I think thats what it is). I had to bring it in during the winter and I did quite a bit of pruning and I decided to try and propogate what was left over. The base of it currently looks like this.... roots are coming out of the places where leaves used to be. Do I need to do something with the roots at this point or will pups start growing with the roots?
Here is a picture:

The second question has to do with this succulent (I'm not sure of the name).
I noticed it had like 6-7 pups growing on it, and I wasn't sure when to remove them. I removed one very gently moving it back and forth today but it snapped rather than fall off at the base. When is a good time to remove the pups and what is the best way to remove them? After removing the pups from something like this how should you care for it to make sure it grows. (The one I removed today was about 2X as big as the bigger pup on the left of this picture)

Re: Succulent Pups and Propagation Question

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 1:43 am
by Asica
The first question: leave it alone. The pulps should show up soon.
The second: I would let the pulp grow to about good one inch long (at least that what works for me). I cut it with knife, do not grab with fingers you will brake them, believe me :oops: . Then let the pulp rest in shady dry place for a week. This will avoid rotting. Then just plant them. They grow fast. I have a better luck with bigger pulps. The smaller one from a leave, I am not as lucky with. I live in Cali so I have them outside, and the smaller pulps often get eaten by my "animal friends." :cry:

Re: Succulent Pups and Propagation Question

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:23 am
by Bluesnow
Thanks for the advise. I just need to be patient xD
I tend to have difficulty with that.

Good luck with your outside plants. A bird moved into my balcony with her babies last summer and since I didn't want to abandon her babies it made it really hard to water without scaring her. Since I'm on the 3rd floor I haven't had to deal with animal eating my plants... besides one plant that got infested with some bugs which I threw out and gave up on o.o