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Bonsai tree ID help

I bought this bonsai from a very nice Japanese man at a festival. I'm wondering if I can get help telling what it is. Now the man selling it to me told me it was very rare, Japanese import. It told me the name but I couldn't understand him and then he told me it is in "dragon" style, also rare. Do I believe what he told me? Not really, I was going to buy it anyway because I like the way it looked. I looked at images of a "rare" japanese bonsai called a Japanese Yezo-spruce. In some images they look alike but in others they don't. This could be just a normal every day spruce for all I know.

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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
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Looks like a juniper. It should be kept outside as much as possible. Junipers are not houseplants.
Dragon style usually means it has a serpentine look. Some of the dragon bonsai are like living sculptures. You either love it or hate it. They are unique and can be quite elaborate but do not really look like traditional bonsai. Traditional bonsai respects nature and tries to imitate nature in miniature.

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