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Rosemary Shrub Bonsai

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 6:23 pm
by efrain
I'm new to the community, and I'm pretty sure this little rosemary bonsai is healthy, but I really want to take care of it well. So tips and suggestions are helpful.

Pictures about health/Species ID:
Link to album:

Species/Variety of tree: Rosemary

I have been pouring water over the soil every other day this week, not at a consistent time. And also spritzing the soil when it is dry.The paper it came with (pictured in album) says to water every other day, keep moist, and spray the top(?) There are two drain holes on the bottom.

Bonsai Soil: I don't know what kind of soil it is.

Where you are keeping it: Balcony, outside, faces directly West.
I had kept it indoors at night, and a few hours outdoors for a couple of days. Yesterday was the first day I left it outside all day and all night for the first time. It's still outside.
It's generally warm, sunny, and dry(ish) in this part of California (los angeles)
Example: 6pm, 75 degrees Farenheit. Right now it's 2pm, 80degrees outside, but there's a cool breeze. At night it's 60s.

Your geographic location:
Downtown Los Angeles, California, US, 90012 - Zone 8?

Duration: Received this Sunday 9/11/16 as a gift. No problems it seems.

Size of the tree and container:
From within the pot: 5.5 inches x 3.75 inches
Lower point of the soil to top of the plant: 6.5 inches

Other notes:
- baggie that contained 'instructions' also contained fertilizer.


Re: Rosemary Shrub Bonsai

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 8:48 pm
by rainbowgardener
Don't water bonsai on a schedule. Water it only when it needs it.

This has some general bonsai care tips including about watering and how to tell if your bonsai needs watering: ... =36&t=1479

Rosemary particularly is a plant from hot dry climates. It does NOT want to stay in soil that is damp. It needs very well drained soil and to dry well between waterings. It actually is adapted to growing on seaside cliffs. The name rosemary is from the latin roots meaning "dew of the sea." It likes to get most of its water through the foliage. So mist it regularly.

You said you don't know what kind of soil it is. Potting mix is usually dark and soft with lots of peat moss. Bonsai soil is lighter, anywhere from whitish to tan or yellowish. It is very mineral - rocky/gritty.


Your rosemary needs to be in good bonsai soil or at least a very sandy cactus mix.

Your climate should be perfect for it.

Best wishes, keep us updated on the progress.

Re: Rosemary Shrub Bonsai

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:21 pm
by applestar
I keep potted rosemary -- one of them is a bonsai wannabe ( what I call my potted vines, shrubs, and trees that I *think* I might turn into bonsai some day)

Rosemary will grow pretty rapidly, mostly upright. Most of the rosemary bonsai I've seen seem to try to emulate a pine tree bonsai, so you could regularly clip and harvest the upright shoots for culinary use IF you don't use inedible chemicals.

Even if you don't use them for cooking, it's important to keep clipped so the upright shoots don't get too strong and ruin the styling. Remember that upright plant growth assumes dominance and draw energy, thicken and try to become the leader.

You will need to train/control the branch ends that will try to turn upwards.

"Hefting" is a good way to know when smaller potted plants need to be watered. You learn how soaked vs. dry/need water weight feels like. If it's getting strong westering sun, the shallow pot may dry out faster than you might expect.

Re: Rosemary Shrub Bonsai

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 4:18 am
by tomc
I cannot tell from your photoes, so I will leave it to you to use a chop-stick to probe the white gravel to see if it is glued on. if it is, you will want to remove it, as they will interfere with watering.

Rosemary will live for a long time in pots. You will need to bring it indoors when it gets colder than about 40F at nights. Hold it in bright light and with supplimental light also.

After enough years pass rosemary will loose some of its symetry. If you let a branch grow overlong-airlayer it.