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Bonsai ID Help

Hello everybody,
My name is Dan, I'm 27, and relatively new to the world of bonsai, but have taken a headlong dive into it. I started about 6 months ago with the thought of buying my girlfriend a different plant for Valentine's day, end up with a plant for her and a juniper for me, now I have about 20 plants in all different stages of bonsai.

I do have a question for identification for one plant. The original plant I bought for my girlfriend was from a local bonsai dealer, he said the exact species if plant was unknown, but it's a relative of the boabab tree. I attached several images to help
Front view of the original plant
Front view of the original plant
Close up of leaves
Close up of leaves
Cuttings off the original
Cuttings off the original
The plant has a fuzzy texture on it, is very drought resistant and retains a lot of water. It roots very easily, it is very fast growing and I swear it has edema when fertilized consistently.

Not sure if any of that means anything, but any help trying to id it would be much appreciated.

Thanks for any help!

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I can't I.d. it, but just out of curiousity, why did you chop it up? The original looked really nice with some bonsai potential. Now, frankly, you just have a bunch of chopped up plants.

Did your "headlong dive" into bonsai involve any reading &/or research?

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It looks familiar. Are the the older stems hollow like a geranium?

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The tree has been far from cut up, the two cuttings are: one from a minor trimming in late April when we decided on styling the original as a canopy style tree and removed some of the lower branches and the other is from last week. The top two pictures are from February. I'll post a new picture of the full tree tomorrow to defend my bonsai honor, and prove I didn't hack it up.

To put it in perspective the bigger cutting is not even a quarter the height of the full tree.

And I've been reading through several books on different aspects of bonsai, attend a few classes in my area and consistently read about bonsai on the internet.

So yes, I've read & researched

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imafan26 wrote:It looks familiar. Are the the older stems hollow like a geranium?
No the stems are solid all the way through.

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GardeningCook wrote:I can't I.d. it, but just out of curiousity, why did you chop it up? The original looked really nice with some bonsai potential. Now, frankly, you just have a bunch of chopped up plants.

Did your "headlong dive" into bonsai involve any reading &/or research?
This is the tree as of this morning

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