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Is foam in ACT good?

I used to make my ACT using just a mixture of some compost-dirt I had and the result would be stained, slightly sweet smelling liquid. It never got foamy during brewing.

I'm growing seedling in steril mix this year, so I added some fresh grass clippings to my last batch of tea, hoping this would add some nitrogen to the plants (although I don't think it will), and this time it foamed.

So, is this good/bad and do you think adding grass clippings made a difference? I seem to remember reading that soaking grass clippings in water will make a protozoal tea. Not sure how that applies to ACT.

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From what I got out of that marathon thread foam is neither good nor bad. It just happens sometimes. Not sure on the other.

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Green Thumb
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I just started making AACT a few months ago. So far, all my batches have foamed. Whenever I add a little molasses to the brew, the batches seem extra foamy.
That probably does little to answer your question, but that is what I have observed so far. :D

Super Green Thumb
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Thanks for your opinions guys!

I guess foam isn't anything special then.

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