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Puppy Proof Compost Bin

I currently have a compost pile that's fenced in with a heavy duty plastic (with holes) that's held up with rods. When we recently fenced in our yard we discovered that our shed and compost are actually on our neighbors property so they need to be moved within our fence. However, as I was thinking about it, I realized that our puppy may be interested in the compost and our current setup is kind of flimsy.

Since I don't really want him getting into the compost, I was looking into cheap diy options. I saw an option to use large trash bins and drill holes in them. Then when you need to mix them you can roll them around on the ground. It sounds like an easy option that should be fairly inexpensive and contain the compost so that our puppy can't get into it. Is it too good to be true?

What do you think of the idea? Do you have any alternatives that would be cheap and fairly easy?

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The set up that I know most about that is relatively cheap is just a wire cage. It is easier to open the cage and move it when turning and it should be at least three feet high or more. If the top is covered with cardboard or burlap it helps to keep the heat in.

The other set up I know of is to make a three bin system out of pallets that can usually be gotten for free. the front side is usually open but you may be able to put in some kind of gate or barrier to keep the dog out.

But, I agree unless there are food scraps in the bins or there are critters lurking in there most dogs are not interested, unless you have a terrier, that just loves to dig. Dogs can be trained to "leave it", and all puppies should be trained.

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