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Old Fertilizer?

While cleaning out an old barn, I found 3 bags of fertilizer. Husband says they’ve been there for at least 8 or 10 years. Is there any reason I shouldn’t empty those on my compost pile? Or why I shouldn’t spread them over the ground to till into the dirt?


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I don't see any reason why you couldn't still use it to spread on the ground and till in or turn under.

I would not put it on my compost pile. It is not compostable, that is it is not going to break down any further, it is just a bunch of chemicals. It won't add anything to the compost pile and could be a bit harmful, in the sense that chemical salts can kill some of the microbes that help break things down in your pile.

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If they are not rock hard, they may still be o.k. to use. The nitrogen might be lower than listed, it is the most volatile of the elements. I still would not put a lot of it in one spot but spread it out just like you would any other fertilizer.

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Thank you both!! Will just sprinkle over the ground and til!!

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