Green Thumb
Posts: 379
Joined: Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:07 pm
Location: 25 miles west of CC Philadelphia

Fresh arborvite clippings OK as browns?

I'm cutting down, and removing 4 arborvite shrubs this week.... Can I use them as "browns" even though they won't be dead for a few weeks?

Super Green Thumb
Posts: 2661
Joined: Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:52 am
Location: SE-OH USA Zone 6-A

Chop by anvil pruner or chop-saw all into hand sized or smaller chunks (or billets). It will all compost.

By all, I mean trunk and all.

Posts: 14067
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Fresh clippings I think are still greens, but the bark chips will be brown. Layer them together in the compost pile with the manures, a little bit of compost or soil to provide microbe starters, add enough water to get it to the wrung out sponge stage and they should cook pretty well. I would try to get some other source materials in the pile so that it will be better balanced. You may have to make more than one starter pile so it can be managed better, unless you have a loader to turn the piles. 3-5 ft high and as long as you like in windrows.

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