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Anyone from Asia


Is there anyone from Asia in this forum?

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Man, do I wish. I'm American
I would have loved to be Japanese. But if I was Japanese, I would have loved to be American. Weird.
I would wanna live in the mountains of Japan. Where it's peaceful and quiet. But now theres way too much industrialization.
I just love the Japanese culture. I don't know why, I just do.
Another problem would be Tsunamis, earthquakes, and other stuff.
That stuff doesn't happen over here on the East Coast of America.
So Yeah.
Thats it.

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Hi Ken,

I guess that is true for most of us. We cannot really decide which country we wish to live in.

For me, I would like to migrate to Australia or New Zealand cause the lifestyle is more relaxed. But I might miss the hactic lifestyle in Singapore also.

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This is a symptom that I call,
This is regular.
It's kinda odd too.
I know a guy that wanted to go to a different and live there. He'd wanted to do this his whole life. Well, He moved to some country in Europe(don't ask me which one because I have no clue)and was leading a great life.
But every night he would think back on stuff he had to do in the states that he did'nt have to do in whatever-country. Well, he kept thinkin' and thinkin'. Eventually it got the best of him. So after only 9 months in whatever-country, he moved back to america. He was asked why he did this. He said something like this. "I don't really know why, I guess it was just because I missed the country I was born and raised into. I missed alot of stuff about America that whatever-country didn't. And eventually, I missed my country so much that I decided to move back, even if it did mean longer hours and harder work for less pay."

That is a good story to help remind people of where they come from. Whether it be another state, province, territory, or country.

It also kinda describes what it's like to go to college.
At first yo just want to get out of the house. But then after a couple days, weeks, maybe even hours, reality sets in a you start to miss where you came from.
Kinda ironic isn't it.
It's your choice whether you move to a different country.
But remember this, it may pay great for less work and you may live in a better house or have a new car or something, but once you do move away, you leave part of yourself behind. And after awhile you'll start to miss that other part of yourself. It could be your family, your heritage, etc., etc.
But when you do start to miss that other part, remember, your getting paid more in that new country of yours, so just save up some money, and get a flight to your home and take a few visits a year.

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Your friend may not have been having a good enough social life. Having lived in other countries and different states, trust me, a good social life plus a positive economic situation helps. Moving to a different country is not easy.

A few days ago I met up with my buddy who lives in Japan. He's been there for fifteen years. He was thrilled because I took him to a french restaurant and they had lamb shank on the menu, something he cannot get in Japan. But he loves living there, he has children, a wife, a good job, he wouldn't want to replicate his life back in the states, it's not as fun or fulfilling as the life he leads in Japan.

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Hey, andywph, we do have a section for growing herbs. But you've probably been there already. :oops: I just noticed, but I don't grow herbs (intentionally) so I never looked for it before. Sorry.
How's school going? We're back in school here (since late August). Weather's been pretty good except when the remnant of a hurricane douses us. Warm (kinda) days in the 70's-80 degrees F, cooling off to great sleeping weather in the 50's-60's F. Can't do the conversion to Celsius for you, math is so not my thing.
Happy Gardening,

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