Greener Thumb
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Location: Gardening in western U.P. of MI. 46+ N. lat. elev 1540. zone 3; state bird: mosquito

Question about the private email option of the forum

I had a question regarding the use of the private email option for the forum, but don't know if this the place to ask it? thx

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Please go ahead and ask. :)

Or you can private message me and ask if you prefer.


Greener Thumb
Posts: 921
Joined: Fri Oct 05, 2012 3:19 am
Location: Gardening in western U.P. of MI. 46+ N. lat. elev 1540. zone 3; state bird: mosquito

Thx Roger.

Every once in awhile I will get a pm from a member and I always like to respond. But, after sending a reply, the message I wrote will show up in the outbox and will even give a date on which I sent it. But, I'm not sure if it's just residing in my outbox and has not been sent, because no message shows up in my "sent" folder. Seems like any sent message would reside in my sent folder. I'm never sure if my message has been sent, or rec'd.


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The message will stay in the outbox until it is read. Once it is read/rcvd by the recipient, it will be automatically moved to the sent folder.

Greener Thumb
Posts: 921
Joined: Fri Oct 05, 2012 3:19 am
Location: Gardening in western U.P. of MI. 46+ N. lat. elev 1540. zone 3; state bird: mosquito

Ah, I see. Thx.

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