Susan W
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I gave my 1st presentation as a gardener and the milkweeds/Monarchs. This was a very small group, (8) at the Friends meeting house. I know the fellow connected from the farmers market. The house itself is a rambling 50's brick ranch, been added on, has an urban yard. One side is sunny, rest is treed. The project now, as I gather, is to work on the landscaping and the existing beds. One bed not planted, he wants for the butterfly-bees, and that's where I was called in. In brief, went through the pollinator attractors, various bee categories, butterflies etc, then the milkweeds, and interest in Monarchs. Fortunately for me this group both knowledgable and interested! Also they appreciated I can talk budget ways of doing things. I suggested easy flowers they can do with family friendly seed starting activities (zinnia, cosmos, marigold, sunflower etc). I even gave them a packet of both zinnia and cosmos I'm not using.

I must have done something right as they asked if I could do a Sun AM learning group later. Sure, and it's just a few miles from me.

A dollar thing I have been mulling a bit, is how to handle the non-profits, community, do-goods etc. Now that I am venturing in deeper, thinking there will be several such groups looking for my plant starts, especially the milkweeds. What I have settled on mentally, and told them, is buy one-get one. At least not losing money, and can't give it away!

Thanks for

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Oooh! This sounds like a fantastic opportunity -- both for your business as well as spreading the conservation interest, and simply FUN!

Congratulations! Image

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What a terrific thing to be doing, helping start gardens and getting the word out about native plants and butterflies, etc! If it is something you would like to be doing more of, let the Friends know. Friends (Quakers) tend to be pretty activist, well-connected people. Those 8 people may belong to more than 8 other groups, that they could let know about your work. If it is like every other Meeting House I have ever seen, they have a bulletin board where they could post a business card/ brochure / flyer or whatever about your work.

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