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Should I Buy an iPad Mini, Mini 2 or Mini 3?

So my ten year old got back from a playdate last night and was smitten by the iMovie app on her friend's iPad mini. She couldn't sleep last night thinking of all the cool movies and trailers she could make with it. Wife and I discussed it and we agreed we'd rather have her making movies than playing video games or throwing our money away on toys she wants but won't actually play with. So we're considering buying it. Problem is, buy the 1, 2 or 3.

Any pros and cons and experiences you'd like to share?

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I would ask the friend's parents which one they have and about the pros and cons

My niece's kids have the kid ipads, and they are glued to it. They have one that has 16 GB. Games use up a lot of memory. It is also built to take a little more kid handling. Make sure the ipad you get has a long battery life. It can be loaded with different games as well. The pros, they stay out of trouble. The cons, it is hard to get their attention as they will play with it to the exclusion of everything and everyone else. If you do get it, I would limit the time it can be used. Not at dinner, after school work is done, after chores are done, and since childhood obesity as well as adult obesity, after the family goes for family exercise whether that be biking, walking, or other family time activity.

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No video games. She has a Nook HD that she uses for listening to music and reading. No games. ;)

My ten year old daughter has read more books in her short lifetime than many adults. She reads an hour before bedtime, often wakes up in the morning to return to the books. She knits potholders, rides horses, plays piano, and is a whiz at chess and checkers. She does not have time for games because she has too many wholesome activities to occupy her time with. ;)

Wife and I discussed it and we agreed we'd rather have her making movies than playing video games. Making movies is a creative activity so we approve of that.

The problem is in deciding if it's worthwhile to get the latest or settle somewhere in the middle.

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Just a quick glance

Looks like 1 is an older model and only 16Gig max which is WAY inadequate. So at least 2 which is still only available to 32Gig. Don't know why they then jump to 3 with 64 or 128Gig

It looks as though iMovie can also be used with latest iPod touch which DO go up to 64Gig.

I'll have to ask my younger DD if she's been using the iDevice version -- she does use iMovie on the iMac to edit and splice together stop motion and other videos she makes with her iPodT5. -- but I know her iPodT5 still needs to be upgraded to iOS8 and the latest version iMovie requires 8.

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Hey, the iPod is a good idea! It can work the iMovie app plus I can download Spotify to it so she can listen to her Spotify channel. The cool thing about the iPod is that it can double as a browser and a camera. She needs a camera so I can solve two problems with that one device! Awesome! Now I just have to convince my wife! :)

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We bought the iPad regular size and glad we did. The minis are just too small for these old eyes. We have a cell phone that is sort of like a tablet and it is also too small. Some grandkids have the iPad and some the mini. They would rather all have the iPad regular.

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The Mini is very portable and cost less than the full size one. I am using a full size one right now, I got a Blue tooth key board so I can type on it like a computer. There are so many apps for the iPad. Go to the apple store and try them out. Get Pages so she can write things.

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Thanks for all the awesome replies. :)

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Roger - the angst of parenting in the 21'st century.

Good luck my friend.

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Yeah, it's always something. What helps my wife and I decide is by asking ourselves if something will further her creativity, engage her in creative imaginary play or keep her active or if it's simply a black hole for wasting time. I know of some parents who are inconvenienced by their children who find it convenient to make them go away by the light of a video game just as my generation lost part of their childhood to television. That's not how I want to raise my kid. But I also don't want to raise her like it's 1975 either. So it's finding a balance between technology and real life.

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