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Accidental tea!

So I left on a trip and when I came back saw that my strawberries were victim to the sun and lack of care from the BF. I thought they were all but wasted because they were shriveled and dried up.

I pruned them off of the plant, which is now much happier, and was about to throw them out when I got a weird thought...

So instead I threw them in a pot of boiling water with some Assam and viola! Strawberry black tea. I then added lemon and sugar and then iced it.

I don't have much left as the BF has claimed most of it, but it was delicious!

Any other accidents that turned out delicious??

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That is a good way to use them , I always have dried strawberries here, I will have to add some to my fav hot tea for a different taste

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Did it have a strong, strawberry taste? What is it like without lemon and sugar?

It reminds me of a song. Here

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Raspberry leaves make good tea! Related plants ...

You may have made a good discovery, SarahA!


and what is with BF who nearly kills plants then hogs tea?

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Great discovery for sure. I will certainly be giving this a try. :D I have some strawberries and raspberries.

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