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Just currious what ya'll prefer on the tv

I personally am addicted to diy's Yard Crashers always looking for that cool idea that I can accually afford to do lol


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Battlestar Galactica on BluRay. Documentaries.

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The only series I make time to watch are Glee and House. Other than those, I'll watch almost anything if I'm in the mood to watch TV. Except the Lifetime Movie Network... Ugh, kill me now: better that I watch a '70's kung fu movie.

Ha, I frequently get interested in a series once it gets cancelled. Like My Name is Earl is funnier than I expected, and Charlie Sheen's recent exploits made me catch a few old 2.5 Men on reruns.

DIY shows are usually too slow moving for me, or conversely skip over the exact part I wanted to see in detail. Youtube mentality: I want it in ten minutes or less. I don't need lessons in how to sand and prime, but would like some info on how to strip dentil crown molding for instance.

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I like a lot of the HGTV home make over and gardening shows and world's most amazing houses type things. I like Jon Stewart's Daily Show. Currently for a new series, I am enjoying Fairly Legal. It's about a mediator who works on finding/negotiating win-win solutions to a lot of different conflicts/ problems. It is entertaining, she is very creative with the solutions, no one dies, there are no blood and guts and gory stuff... (Of course she's young and gorgeous and always wears tight waists and very short skirts but oh well, no one would want to watch it if she looked like an ordinary person and dressed like real lawyers.)

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" Post subject: Just currious what ya'll prefer on the tv"

Well, obviously not American Idol.

We watch a variety but mostly movies. Without a DVR we would pull an Elvis and shoot the TV.

Leverage, Good Wife, Detroit 187, Closer, Memphis Beat [that guy can sing] the former Two and a Half Men, Defenders.

Anything with good music, Austin, Sound Stage, any and all PBS music shows.

We watched the 1996 and 2010 Les Mis productions in the last two weeks.

Poor little Fantine and Cosette. I just cry and cry. I'm 6'2 220, it's not pretty". When Jean Valjean sings "Bring Him Home" I just break out in shaking boo hoos. I'm secure in my masculinity but if I watch Les Mis, I need two boxes of Kleenex.

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What's TV? Ha, I'm only half kidding. I haven't watched a TV show in 2 months. We have 1 tv in our whole house and the digital converter box picks up ABC on a good day. We have the tv so my lil guy can watch movies on the dvd player.
When we have internet hooked up (we don't right now) I'll watch tv on hulu. We're too busy in the summer for it anyway (I go on the net on my phone now)

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Yes I feel so also Charlie a DVR is the best thing for TV.
We had a HD one in the living room and just got an HD on in our bed room.
Dexter, 24, being Human, Dr. Who, Stargate Universe,Any thing in 3D.. Mostly we like movies and get blu rays via Netflix.

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I haven't had TV for almost a year now, do I miss it, maybe a little.

Shows that I liked.

Robot Wars
Junk Yard Wars
'It's Not Easy Being Green, Dick Strawbridge's farm
The Food Network
and all the DIY shows.
Ok, House also. 8)


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Castle, Bones, NCIS, Top Gear, and nerd TV (History Channel, National Geographic, Animal Planet, Discovery, etc...) are about the only current things I watch. I refuse to watch "Reality TV" on general principle, so Survivor, Big Brother, and the rest of that compost has to survive without me. I can never get into American Idol or other contest shows either.

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I haven't watched TV in well over 2 years. I use it once in awhile to watch a DVD, but that's it. :oops:

Even that's becoming rare, now that Netfix has expanded the selection of streaming videos they offer. I much prefer that. :D

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Kisal wrote:I haven't watched TV in well over 2 years. I use it once in awhile to watch a DVD, but that's it. :oops:

Even that's becoming rare, now that Netfix has expanded the selection of streaming videos they offer. I much prefer that. :D

Did you ever finish Lost?

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Yes. It got a little weird toward the end. Well, no, not "a little weird" ... more like "downright bizarre". :lol: I did enjoy it, though. :)

I enjoy a bit of sci-fi and fantasy on occasion, but I've never been an aficionado of those genres. I mostly like comedy, drama, and documentaries. :)

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tomf wrote:Stargate Universe
CANCELLED. :cry: Don't know if you heard about it, or how much you actually like it. It was one of the three shows my boyfriend and I actually watch on TV:

Stargate Universe - No more new Stargate ever after this season. :cry:
The Big Bang Theory - I didn't start watching this show until about a year after it came out, figuring it was another one like Dexter or something (not really my thing), but when I learned it was about NERDS <3 I fell in love with it.

We mostly DVR Futurama and Family Guy and new eps. of the 3 above and then Netflix anything else. We just watched Avatar: The Last Airbender (the FANTASTIC show, not the CRAPPY movie ;)) through Netflix in the last month.

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On Netflix, I'm currently watching episode 6 of National Geographic's "DogTown". It's about the rehabilitation of the pit bull dogs from Michael Vick's dog fighting ring.

(I removed the word I used as an adjective for Michael Vick. I don't think I really know a vile enough word to describe such "things" as him. :twisted: )

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Kisal wrote: (I removed the word I used as an adjective for Michael Vick. I don't think I really know a vile enough word to describe such "things" as him. :twisted: )
I do. :D I'd be happy to offer a few suggestions. I'd probably be banned shortly afterwards though. :(

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kitchen: impossible
american pickers
no ordinary family
hannity (once in a while)

While I enjoy TV it seems I can't watch a weekly show. I will always forget what day or time the show is on and therefore just watch shows "on accident". I always remember to watch Mythbusters on Thurs, but it's usual day is Wednesday. We really need a DVR!

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I love that series! There's a book too about the dogs. I'm a pit lover so it upset me a bit but it's great how they worked so intently with the dogs and gave the "unadoptable" ones life long homes at the rescue.

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Pawn Stars
American Pickers
Auction Hunters
Antiques Road Show(there's a trend developing)

I'm a bit of an insomniac and find myself up at all hours of the early a.m. so I tune into RTV (retro TV) and catch some of the older serial shows I watched as a young un'. Seahunt, Dragnet, Highway Patrol just for laughs since Broderick Crawford was way too stiff, The Andy Griffith Show etc.

I NEVER watch that so called Reality TV and the same for American Idol, Dancing With The Stars--------mindless drivel in my book.

I like Survivor Man, can't stand Bear Grylls even though similar type shows.

Dexter is a good watch but last season was a bit of a disappointment after the previous season with John Lithgow as the Trinity Killer.

Geez, after reading this, it's a wonder I have time to garden.

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haven't had a tv since we moved from chicago in 2003. still watch dvds of various kinds on a computer, but I get little enough of what I want to get done as it is. having an extra reason to just sit inside would do me no good.

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TV kills your brain! :shock:

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G- TV can't kill what one does not have. :lol:
Dog fighting is so evil!
arisachu I really wanted to see this one to the end, now I will never know what is at the end of the universe.

Post garden shows and home improvement shows you think are good so I can program them into my DVR.

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Only one show exists which I will alter the time frame of my life to watch. "Doc Martin" on PBS. Occasionally something on Discovery Channel or The National Geographic channel will catch my attention. I enjoy a little show called "How it's Made", but it is on in the daytime so I rarely see it. I'm fascinated by how things are made.


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Ted get a DVR, your time is worth it.
This week I have been watching a lot of TV as I have been down. I went to ER Saturday and had out patient surgery. I went back Tuesday for follow up surgery. I hate not being able to go out and play in the yard.

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I hope you recover fast Tom. I can't stand to be down and not be asleep. If I am sick or injured, I act like a dog and try to find a cool, dark place to sleep the weakness away. If I'm awake, I have to be up and doing something. If I am ever confined to a wheel chair, I will find a way to mount a lawn mower engine on it in order to get around faster. We used to have a cd player, but it is gone and I'm not sure where it went. We just never bothered to buy a dvd player. I haven't rented a movie of any kind in many years. We haven't watched a movie on Direct TV in many years. We still enjoy watching a few movies in the theater, but we are kinda picky about which movies we attend.


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Ted I am writing back so soon as I am stuck indoors; it is raining any ways.
There have been some advances since DVD;what I am talking about is a DVR it is a digital video recorder and it records to a hard drive. You can get them through your cable or just buy one and then program it to record the shows you like of broadcast TV and watch them when you have time. You can pause live TV and even back up so you can see if it really was a foul ball. You can skip commercials also. Best thing ever made for TV. Then there are blu-ray players and TV's with access to some parts of the Net like Netflix; for less than $10 a month you can watch all the movies and shows they have.

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Yes, we have Tivo on our Direct TV receiver. I will occasionally record something like Doc Martin if we will be gone during the network broadcast and play it later. We also sometimes use it to back a recording of a baseball game up for a really great play or if we see someone in the crowd we know. Our daughter and son in Law have season tickets to the Texas Ranger games. They sit on the front row just behind first base. We sometimes see them or one of our grandkids watching a game. The wife will send them a text message about what they are doing while watching a game. It's one of those "you can't get away from the all seeing eye of granny" moments.


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