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Dumb question for lorax?

There is a myth that water goes the opposite way down a drain in the southern hemisphere but what I have read is that this is not true. What direction does it spin down there? :oops:

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hi I'm not the Lorax, but I do live in the Southern hemisphere. It flows either way depending on what side you pour the water down it. Try it for yourself by pouring water from the left and right sides of the sink. :wink:

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When it's standing water, Ted, it goes Counterclockwise in my sink about half the time, and Clockwise the rest of it.... However, I live pretty close to the equator (just 1 deg. S). When I lived at 3 deg S, it was more often CCW. However, all of my toilets spin CW. Go fig. :roll:

However, the really neat thing I've noticed isn't in the water. It's in the vining plants.

Tom, did you grow Pole Beans this year? Which way did they turn around the poles?

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It's not a myth; take a look at this article.

Cynthia H.
Sunset Zone 17, USDA Zone 9

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Lorax, I live in New Orleans and I showed this to my wife when my pole and yard long beans were climbing the trellis. Just about every single vine was wound clockwise on the wire if looked at from the ground up.

Funny thing is, you don't realize just how tightly they wind on the wire till it's time to remove the darn things when they are done producing. Between tugging them off the trellis and fighting the yellow jackets that build their nests in the foliage, it is an adventure.

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OK, Gumbo, you've just confirmed a theory for me. I've lived in both the northern and southern hemispheres of this country. In the north, beans and other vining plants twine clockwise; at the equator, it's 50-50 (with beans showing a preference for CW rotation and passionflowers showing a preference for CCW); and in the south, it's counterclockwise.

Oh, and Tom? If you go to the Middle of the World interpretive center, which is at precisely 0 degrees, standing water drains straight down. It's pretty cool, actually.

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